Soma Pi
What is Soma Pi?
Soma Pi is an amazing process for living in better health. It is both, a preventative force and a healing force. Do not try to mentally fit this procedure into a puzzle. It is distinctly new. And is not related to any healing technique available to the public.
Who is Soma Pi for?
Soma Pi is a break through experience for those who feel it is prudent to participate in the process of keeping loved ones in good health. For those dedicated to the practice of medicine and other healing modalities, Soma Pi is a must for their updated training. It will more than benefit their clients and patients.
For such a powerful force that produces quick results, the techniques are easy to learn. You are ready for this life affirming gift. This teacher is here. You are here. Let’s get started.
How Can I Learn Soma Pi?
Training is provided on a weekend (Saturday and Sunday) to accommodate the work schedule of the many who are filling the classes. Class registration is always limited in order to insure active personal instruction for each participant. Classes are filled many months in advance from persons all over the world.
How Do I Use What I Learn?
For such a powerful force, Soma Pi is amazingly easy to understand and to put to practical use. That means it is also easy for you to administer. Upon completion of the Soma Pi Technique classes, you will become a certified Soma Pi practitioner and realize the satisfaction that comes with bringing peace and joy to others.
I have been busy with Soma PI and having many incredible results. To name one, a friend who is 50 years old had surgery on her foot and was told to expect pain and swelling. I did Soma Pi daily and she experienced no pain and very little swelling, and the doctor was amazed at how quickly she healed and she was able to walk without crutches within a few days. I use it on myself daily for balance and to clear out the stressed muscles from working on the house, I sit in the whirlpool at night and do a session on myself just before I go to bed and do the Cosmic Healing. I sleep like a baby, and feel great when I get up. The cosmic Healing and Soma Pi have helped me to stay healthy all winter while everyone around me was sick with the flu or viruses etc. Thank you Connie for a wonderful gift.
Love and Light
Last Mon. I was asked to be present at a friend’s C-section to assist with keeping her calm and help her heal quickly, as well as to welcome the baby. She was back in her room within 2 hours and feeling great, not like the last time when it was over 24 hours before she could function. The baby is very peaceful and eating well. She has had immediate pain relief each time I did the Soma Pi, which was in the morning. Four days later she is home and feeling great. No complications or pain.
Thanks again for Soma Pi.
Love and Light
I began sending energy to those I knew had given me permission as well as made specific goal to treat myself daily to cement the healing conditions into my body that so recently I have achieved. A friend had a very difficult worry about her husband, who seemed to be emotionally unbalanced and in some danger. She was able to stabilize while I sent Soma Pi as I talked with her on the phone. I also sent to her husband, repeatedly; he is doing well and appeared to show some stabilization almost immediately. Through my I.A. I discovered very negative energies were accessing his energy and draining him; I further assisted by talking to him through releasing them and ordering their energies away as I was directed by my I.A. readings. Several times over the next two to three weeks I worked with them and both are showing good energy stabilization and are working in many positive directions to solve any related issues.
Love Light and gratitude,
I continue to appreciate the Soma Pi and Soul Lyfe healing techniques. One of my teeth started hurting again (it was OK for over a year and a half after Soma Pi took the pain away in September 2001, avoiding the need for a root canal) and Soma Pi took the pain away again. A friend who I visited said Soma Pi took the arthritis pain in her hands away for a few days (we’ll see what absent healings do after some time).
Warm regards,
The teacher is here. Are you ready for a quantum leap forward?
For class times and locations please contact::
Kristine Jenssen at kjenssen3@gmail.com for the Indiana Area
Carole Cravath at carolecarvath@hotmail.com For the Minnesota Area
Susan Zummo at susanzummo@gmail.com for the New Mexico Area